Baby Love

Baby Love

One week old

This first week has flown by like the blink of an eye.  The first few days of Abby's life we were in the hospital because I was recovering from the surgery, it's so good to be back at home.  I can't believe my baby girl is already a week old.  I'm already having so much fun dressing her up in all her beautiful little clothes.


Abigail Micaela's Debut

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our beautiful baby girl Abigail Micaela Duffy has arrived! She was born on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at 1:10 pm she weighed a whopping 9 lbs, 1 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

Proud Mommy holding her baby girl

Sweet baby girl

Daddy and Abby 

Our first family picture!

Still getting used to the fact that SHE'S HERE!!!

Loves to be swaddled

Another family photo

We were released from the hospital on Sunday and are settling in to our new routine.  She is absolutely perfect.  First family photo with little Charlie too!

Thanks for all your support and well wishes. We have many more pictures to download!

Nursery Reveal

The nursery is ready and waiting for Abby to arrive! Thanks to everyone for their help with putting it together. I love the final result! This is the view from the entry

Waiting for Baby

The countdown is on for the arrival of Baby Abigail.  I'm at Week 36 and so ready for her to be born!  We are so excited and recently took some pictures before the big day!

Charlie, our first baby, is in the picture too!

The Bump Profile 

These pink shoes are adorable!  Thank you to my friend Mimi for taking these pictures.